There's strength in numbers, so team up for the CHaD HERO! Below you'll find what it means to be a part of a CHaD HERO team, how to start a team, how to bring back your team as a returning captain, and Teams FAQ.

CHaD HERO Teams are groups of friends, families or co-workers who band together to support the kids and families of Dartmouth Health Children's.
There is no limit to the number of people required to form a team and team members can be any age, and do NOT have to all participate in the same way. Your team can be made up of in-person participants on different courses, volunteers and virtual participants. The more the merrier!
All Teams receive a team page on the website. Teams can share training tips, fundraise together, motivate each other... be HEROES together!
All it takes is one person to set up a team (the Team Captain) and once you do you'll receive a team page and the opportunity to invite friends and family to join you. Get started today!
- Register yourself as a team captain and create a team name.
- Customize your team page to meet your needs.
- Invite others to join your team. Team members can participate in any activity - run, walk, volunteer, or virtual.
- Other members can join the team by selecting the "Join a Team" option when they register and search for your team name in the search box.
- Once your team is formed, you can send out reminder emails through the HERO website. Log in and select "Send email" on the right of the page. Select your team members from your contacts list. From here you can compose customized, encouraging messages to send to your team.
Team captains can bring back their teams from the previous year. Here's how:
- Log into the HERO site and select "Register" on the homepage.
- Click "Start a Team."
- Select the button that says to "bring back" your past team. See example here.
- Continue through the registration process. You will receive a "Thank You for Forming a Team!" confirmation email.
- Log in to your participant center and email your past teammates to ask them to join your team.
If you wish to re-join your team from last year, the team captain must have already "reactivated" it. If the team you wish to join has not been started, please register as an individual. You can join the team later from your participant center. Please note, only team captains can bring back past teams and must be logged in to do so.
If you would like to be a team captain and have questions, please check out our Teams FAQ and/or contact CHaD HERO HQ.
Teams FAQ
Q: Can I satisfy all of my team members' fundraising minimums with team fundraising?
A: Fundraising minimums must be met by each individual team member. If your team does a fundraising activity and would like to have the proceeds shared among team members, simply indicate the amount to be allocated to each team member when turning in proceeds. Please note online credit card transactions cannot be split between team members.
Q: Do all team members have to be registered to participate in the same activity (e.g. all be registered for the walk or the half marathon)?
A: No. Team members may be registered as any participant type or as volunteers.
Q: I'm not registered yet, but my friends and I want to form a team. How do we start?
A: To create a fundraising team, the team captain must select the "Start a Team" option on the registration page. Once "Start a Team" is clicked, you will be prompted to either register as a new participant or log in as a returning participant. (If you were a team captain last year, you will be asked if you want to "bring back" your 2023 team when you log in and start the registration process.) Once you make your selection, you can set up your team's name and goal. You will be sent a "Thank you for forming a team!" confirmation email. You can log into your participant center and email friends and family to join your team.
Q: How do my teammates join my team?
A: Once the team is created by the team captain, other team members may join the team by selecting the "Join a Team" option on the registration page. Once "Join a Team" is clicked, you will be prompted to either register as a new participant or log in as a returning participant. Once you make your selection, you can search for the name of the team you wish to join and select to join it.
Q: I'm already registered and I didn't join or start a team when I registered, is it too late to join a team?
A: No. You may join an existing team by logging in to your participant center, clicking the Profile tab, clicking the Event Options tab, selecting "Join a Team" under Change Team Membership, and searching for the team you would like to join.
Q: How does Team Fundraising Work? Can my team fundraise as a group?
A: Yes, but all team members must have met their required minimum and have the necessary funds in their individual accounts in order to participate in the event. If you are planning to host a fundraising event or have a donor who is contributing to the entire team please utilize the team fundraising account on the team page. In order to have the funds then moved from the Team Fundraising account into individual accounts (required) you must contact us at to request this no later than October 15, 2024.
Q: How do I edit my team's fundraising goal?
A: You can only edit a team's fundraising goal if you are the team captain. When you are logged in, from your dashboard click on the "Progress" tab. Select the "Team" tab on the right (by default, the "Personal" tab is selected). Click "change" under the Team Goal total. Enter the new amount and click "Submit."
Q: How do I edit my team name?
A: You can only edit a team's name if you are the team captain. When you are logged in, select the "Team Page" tab. Click "Edit" under Team Name. Change the Team Name, then click "Update."
Still have questions? Contact CHaD HERO Headquarters at