Welcome to My Personal Page
This year, I will be participating in The Prouty along with thousands of my fellow amazing people that will bike, walk, row, golf and more to raise money for Dartmouth Cancer Center.
I lost my wife Leslie Plush to breast cancer over three years ago, and there is not a day the goes by that I do not miss her. She was creative, happy, and funny and we loved each other so much, we were each other’s each other. She was my ying and I was her yang. She was tough as nails and was a fierce fighter, she was always positive we were going to beat this thing, and it was we! This disease affects all. I was there when she got her diagnosis before we were married and I was there for all the appointment, surgeries and treatments. It weighed on both of us and she suffered terribly. She would say from time to time, “this isn’t fair”, and it wasn’t, but we really believed we were going to beat this thing, but…
We were fortunate (and I use the word “fortunate” loosely) that we had the wherewithal and good insurance to fund all of Leslie’s medical needs despite the outcome. Some of the people we will be raising money for are uninsured or under insured and some are food insecure, I could not even imagine going through what Leslie went though and not having enough to eat, that is insane to me! So I ride events like this to help. Help me help them.
Why do I ride? I ride for all the Leslies so they don’t have to go through what Leslie endured. And I ride for all the Larrys that are suffering the loss of the ones they love so much, it hurts every day, so I ride.
More than one third of all people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetimes.* It’s a universal problem that touches everyone, including the most important people in our lives. That’s why I joined The Prouty. All of the funds I raise go toward cutting-edge cancer research and crucial patient support services at the Cancer Center. Hope starts here!
Here are two ways that you can help support patients, doctors and caregivers in the fight against cancer:
- Join me! Register for The Prouty today.
- Make a gift to my Prouty fundraiser and help me reach my goal. Click the ‘donate’ button to support my efforts in the 2025 Prouty.
All funds raised will help fund innovative researchers and clinicians who are dedicated to finding ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. Prouty funds also provide meaningful patient and family support services that are otherwise unfunded—such as support groups, massage, art therapy programs, transportation and grocery assistance, and more.
Thank you for your support!
Hope starts here. Hope starts with you.
*Source: National Cancer Institute

I am registered for the Prouty Ultimate in 2021.
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