My Prouty
As you have undoubtedly figured out, I am riding The Prouty again this year. Since you have donated in the past, and you can read about the Cancer Center in many different places, I will tell you about only one relevant experience I had recently.
Team Capt. Jeff Goodell, Susan's husband, and I were invited to a morning where we saw, among other things, an operating room in the research wing of the Cancer Center. Two days a week it is used for humans. The other three days it is used, at this point, for small pigs. They're doing research on cancer of the spine which, as you can imagine, is very difficult to deal with because the spine is so complicated. Mice are of limited value for an experiment and pigs are quite valuable because their spinal structure is similar to humans. It was a fascinating experience to hear a senior researcher talk about the issues, how they are working with other specialties to develop protocols for treating cancer, and minimizing the risks that go with interfering with the spinal column. They are doing this in collaboration with two or three other cancer centers and are optimistic about developing minimally invasive surgeries to treat cancers of the spine. It was inspirational.
You know the routine. If you would like to contribute to to my ride, you have options, which are listed below. If you are so moved, I would be most appreciative. All contributions at this point (and until the money runs out) will be matched one-for-one by the Byrne Foundation, a longtime supporter of the Cancer Center and The Prouty. Mary and I will also match your contribution on a one-for-one basis. Many thanks for your help in the past. And if you decide to participate, thanks for your contribution.
Warm regards, David
I am registered for the Prouty in 2021.
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