I am Raising Money to Combat Cancer Pottery Bowl by Pottery Bowl!
This will be our 18th year riding in the 43rd annual PROUTY to raise money for cancer research and patient care at the Dartmouth Health Cancer Center. We ride our bikes in memory of Ariel's grandparents, Sylvia Springhorn and Harold & Lois Silver, a close family friend, Lee Schiffer, and many other friends and family members (We miss you, Donnie!), all of whom we have lost to cancer. We also ride to honor our many friends and family members who have conquered this disease.
On Saturday, July 13th this year, health and weather permitting, we hope once again to ride the 50-mile route as part of our team: Friends of Lebanon Crew. Deb and I eased back into the Prouty last July, successfully completing the 35-mile route. We raised over $7,000, and I enjoyed making my pottery ice cream bowls for several supporters. Ariel was unable to join us last year while doing an internship for his graduate degree but plans on riding this July!
Regardless of weather conditions and how many miles we ride, The Prouty is ALWAYS an incredible fundraising event. More than 6,000 bikers, walkers, rowers, golfers, and volunteers will be involved on July 12 & 13. The goal this year is to raise $8 million! Through the Friends of the Dartmouth Cancer Center and The Prouty, you support Cancer Center researchers and clinicians who are working on innovative ways to prevent, diagnose, treat and hopefully, one day, cure cancer. You also support important patient services that would otherwise not be funded. Research conducted here informs patient treatment around the world. The Dartmouth Cancer Center is one of only 47 comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute for excellence in cancer research, care and community outreach.
Donating is easy. The Prouty website is secure for on-line contributions, or you can write a check. To make a secure donation on-line, go to 2024 Prouty – Dartmouth Health (www.theprouty.org). Click on "Donate," and then “DONATE TO AN INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPANT” and enter Steve Silver, Deb Springhorn, or Ariel Silver which will take you to our individual Springhorn and two Silver Prouty pages where you can make your secure donation to any one of the three of us. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to “D-HH The Prouty,” and mail it to our home address of 153 North Main Street, West Lebanon, NH 03784. I will hand deliver checks to The Dartmouth Cancer Center several times weekly.
Our incredible local Byrne Foundation is matching dollar for dollar for all contributions. This is the seventh year that I am providing an incentive for anyone donating $100.00 or more until Byrne matching funds run out. You get one of my ice cream bowls for single contributions of $100.00 up to $249.00. If a contribution of $250 or more is made within the Byrne matching period, I will make you a larger bowl, perfect for fresh fruit, or part of a dinnertime meal (or a very very large salad for yourself!). Last year I shipped my bowls everywhere from New York to Vancouver.
Also this year, as in previous years, I will provide my traditional thank you gift - a specially made piece of my pottery will be raffled after the Prouty has concluded. If you contribute $50.00 to $99.00, your name will be put in a drawing for a large hand-thrown bowl. A donation of less than $50.00 gets your name in a raffle for a mug made by me.
Please help us fight cancer with a donation to this most important cause. Every donation helps; it all adds up!
Thank you for considering contributing to this most critical cause!
Steve, Deb, & Ariel
I am registered for the Prouty in 2021.
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