Prouty Million Dollar Club

At our Prouty Awards Ceremony in 2023, we honored the six inaugural teams of The Prouty Million Dollar Club. Each year, these teams bring renewed energy and commitment to our cause. And over the years (and decades!), these teams have raised incredible amounts of money to fuel life-saving work at Dartmouth Cancer Center.
The Weissmanns, led by Mara and Rich Weissmann, have been Prouty-ing for 30 years and draw inspiration from all the healthcare professionals, patients, and family members who make this community what it is. They’ve raised $1.8+ million!
Friends of Hanover Crew, led by Erica Dade along with Heidi Lang and Jane McLaughlin, joined The Prouty in 2006. This team is driven to be a part of something bigger than themselves and to help everyone touched by cancer. They have raised $2.3+ million!
Team Hoss, led by Doug and Leslie Lewis along with Tom O’Grady, have been Prouty-ing for 17 years. They’re inspired by loved ones who have faced cancer and want to support research to help patients win their cancer battles. Since 2006, they’ve raised $1.9+ million!
Upper Valley Rowing & Friends,led by Carin Reynolds along with Jane McLaughlin, Deb Nelson, Laura Gillespie, and Rowan Carroll, joined The Prouty in 2012 to invest in cures for the future and ease the journey for those facing cancer today. They’ve raised $1.8+ million!
Prouty Animals, led by Dr. Klaus Lubbe and Tim Keane, have been Prouty-ing since 2015 because they know that cancer touches every one of us and they want to spread hope to all patients. This team from Bio X Cell has raised more than $2+ million!
Dartmouth Without Borders, led by Dr. Mary Chamberlin and Jane McLaughlin, joined The Prouty in 2019. Members of this team are involved in projects to reduce health care disparities around the globe. They’ve raised more than $1.4+ million!
Congratulations to our inaugural members of The Prouty Million Dollar Club! We’re excited to welcome more teams as they cross this monumental threshold in years to come.